Copyright © 2002 Bob Stewart. All rights reserved.
Feedback to - Last changed 4 May 2002
Jesus, born in a stable in Bethlehem, Judea, son of a virgin, miraculously conceived by God, proclaimed by angels, honored by the wise, feared by a murderous king.

Jesus, called "God with us", his name, obscured now by translation and tradition, was Ieshua, the same as Joshua, meaning "God is Salvation."

Jesus, raised in Nazareth with his younger brothers and sisters by his mother and her husband, his step-father, Joseph the carpenter.

Jesus, 12 years old, visiting Jerusalem, impressing the religious teachers with his wisdom; tending his heavenly father's business but obedient to his earthly parents.

Jesus, at a wedding in Cana, asked by his mother to save the bridegroom from embarrassment, turning water to the best wine served at the banquet.

Jesus, baptized by John in humble obedience, a dove and a voice: "This is my son."

Jesus, beginning to travel and teach, gathering common men of uncommon faith to walk with him and learn.

Jesus, teaching in synagogues and on hillsides, telling stories for the benefit of those who would seek truth, feeding thousands God's word and the few loaves and fishes brought by one small boy.

Jesus, calling children to sit on his knee.

Jesus, walking on water, stopping a storm, healing sick and failed bodies.

Jesus, weeping at the death of Lazarus and the pain of his friend's sisters, then with power and authority commanding him back from a stinking tomb.

Jesus, driving money changers and animal vendors from the temple.
Jesus, riding into Jerusalem, honored as a king.

Jesus, eating the Passover meal with his closest friends and followers, proclaiming symbols of his body and blood.

Jesus, crying out to God, alone in a garden, in fear and pain, yielding to God's plan.

Jesus, betrayed, denied, beaten, ridiculed, crucified, nailed and stabbed; dead on a Roman cross, buried in a borrowed tomb.

Jesus, all powerful, creator, living word, Chosen and Son of God, returned to life, defeating death and evil, taking away consequences ours and not his, our example, our spokesman, our elder brother, our savior.

Look in yourself and those around you, see him and know him.

Remember who he was and is and always will be.
I got a call one week asking me to lead the communion service at the upcoming Sunday worship. That Saturday I woke up with the beginning of this in my head, so I sat down and wrote it. I read it for communion that Sunday.

The center and foundation of Christianity is Jesus, both human and divine Son of God.
For Communion
March 2002