About Xscape Club

Where in the world did I get the name of this site? Good question. The answer is, I have no idea.  Maybe the name sounded cool when I was creating my first website, I don't know. But whatever the case was, the name got stuck.  I believe there is an actual "club" or band with the same name, but this site has no affiliation or in any way connected to those groups. JPCreations is the the trademark that I used back in the days when I was doing web design for a living. But not anymore :-) .

About The Author

June Puyat

My name is June Puyat and I'm the designer and writer of this website (JPCreations). For my current location, see my trusty globe on the right.

That's it! For questions, criticism, suggestions, comments or just about anything, you can send email to jedi_chesser@yahoo.com  J


Other JPCreations Sites

 Background song - "Until the time comes" composed and performed by June H. Puyat

2002 Copyright JPCreations. No Trees or Animals were harmed during the making of this site.


<BGSOUND SRC="the_joy_inside.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>